Comprehensive HIV Care:
The overall goal is to improve the survival and quality of life of PLHIVs with Comprehensive HIV care package of services including condoms and prevention education.
The Care, support and treatment services include management of opportunistic infections including control of TB in PLHA, anti-retroviral treatment (ART), safety measures, positive prevention and impact mitigation.
Service delivery:
In Gujarat, ART centres are established in Medical Colleges, District hospitals, Sub district Hospitals of the state and in PPP Model. There is a dedicated team for routine work at ART Centres. Following services are delivered through ART Centres to ensure complete and quality services:
What is Anti-Retroviral Therapy (A.R.T.)?
The Anti-Retroviral Therapy (A.R.T.) prevents multiplication of HIV virus and reduces their number. This prevents further damage to body's defense (Immune) system thus improves quality of life and prolongs it. These ARV medicines are required to be taken for sustainability of life. Therefore, it is necessary to take ART medicines regularly under proper guidance and follow-up of Medical Officer of ART Centre.
Objectives of ART Centre:
The main objective of ART Centre is to provide comprehensive package of Care, Support & Treatment services to Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV)
The specific objectives of an ART centre are to:
Scaling up of CST
Over the years, scale up of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) in the state has posed many challenges, particularly with reference to infrastructure, regular supply of drugs, quality of care, adherence to treatment etc. Reaching to ‘Lost to Follow-up’ cases and convincing them to re-initiate the treatment has been very challenging. With the objective of linking prevention with access to prophylaxis, management of opportunistic infections and ART to achieve ‘continuum of care’, the state had tried and achieved such linkages at many places.
Second line ART :
Patients experiencing treatment failure with First Line ART are referred to the Centre of Excellence (COE) or ART Plus centres for further evaluation and decision of Second Line treatment.
Based on the existing number of patients on Second Line ART & distance from CoE, it has been decided to expand the network of ART centres that would be capacitated to start Second Line treatment following the same referral procedure as adopted for the Centre of Excellence.
Many patients are reportedly facing problems due to long distance, travel, time and costs for visiting the COE or ART Plus centres for II-line ART, hence the second line ART is made available from all ART Centres of Country, after being recommended by State AIDS Clinical Expert Panel (SACEP) at COE or ART Plus centres.
Third line ART:
With the expansion of Programme and improved life span on ART, it is observed that many patients failed on II-line ART and are in need of III-line ART.
NACO have introduced III-line ART under Programme in the month of May 2016 through all Centre of Excellence in the country.
CST Services : Referral & Linkages
Capacity building:
Care & Support centres
Under NACP IV, Care & Support Centres (CSCs) are established and linked to the nearby ART centres across the country. The CSCs serve as a comprehensive unit for treatment support, positive living and strengthening the enabling environment for PLHIV. This is a part of the national response to meet the needs of PLHIV, especially those from the high-risk groups and women and children infected and affected by HIV. CSCs are run by civil society partners including District Level Networks (DLN) and non-government organizations (NGOs). These partners have been selected primarily on the basis of their track record of working successfully with local PLHIV community and few other assessment criteria decided in consultation with the National AIDS Control Organization.
These guidelines focus on the objectives, criteria for selection, required infrastructure, human resources, MIS tools and financial guidelines for CSCs. The guidelines provide directions for setting up new CSCs and guide the existing ones on effective implementation of the programme. The CSCs are working under the name of Vihaan Project. These CSCs are functional in Gujarat under Vihaan Project with Global Fund support while others are made functional with the support from NHM in the districts not covered through global fund.
Vihaan objectives
Specific objectives of the programme include:
JATAN Project
Under the State Health budget “Jatan” project was initiated by the Government of Gujarat for all HIV positive People (PLHIV) registered at ART centres for the travel reimbursement of their visit at ART Centre for monthly checkup and ARV pickup.
Programme specially designed for improving adherence of all PLHIV for their ART Treatment. Project is managed since the year 2008-09 by the Gujarat State Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GSNP+) with the support of District Level Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS. The Care Taker of the HIV positive Children may also get traveling reimbursement for their loss of wages for the encouragement of taking treatment of Children. Additionally, if a mother visits an ICTC for the DBS testing of her child, then also she will get travel reimbursement for this visit.
Goal of the “Jatan Project”
Ensure high quality services and optimum utilization of resources so that maximum number of PLHAs gets benefitted from the project - ART Adherence.
Objectives of the Project